Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time is nearing for Mid-Term elections-Get Out and Vote

Hello All,

Sorry as you know I haven't been writing in my blog for a few months. Busy summer, much has happened. Hopefully, I will be writing soon, but in the meantime, let's get out and vote this November 2010, and elect the right candidate in office for the United States House and Senate. Fairness and equality should be for all people,(not just for the well to do) and if the goverment need to help stimulate the economy when BIG BUSINESSES are holding back, then so be it.

May God Bless America and all of us in it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


So, the unemployment situation is still here. Our President is doing a lot of things, don’t get me wrong, but what happened to those 3,000 regular people jobs that he was going to hire in his administration last November. I submitted an application, but haven’t heard nada thing. The unemployment situation is still as slow as heck. I am in my 50’s and never been out of work this long in my entire life. Thank God for Unemployment Insurance benefits. Now first of all Unemployment Insurance Benefit, is not welfare. This benefit is for people that have worked, paid taxes and put into the system. So we deserve every cent of the portion that is given which is only 2/3rd of our earnings. So what in the heck are the Republicans screeching about, shame on them, let’s take some of their money away and see how they function. Oh, I am sorry, I just got off track, anyway, we need jobs, jobs, jobs, especially for the non professional skilled individuals like myself. Don’t get me wrong, I am not looking for a handout, just a decent paying job to help my spouse pay our mortgage and save for retirement, etc.

I am so frustrated with our government and the Tea Party, how dare them, to protest against the struggling middle class and below. Anyway, to solve the Unemployment situation is to get regular people voices heard in the White House, we have many ideas, better than what is being presented, like having people clean the fitly trash up on highways, roads, etc. Manufacture American Made Products. Build factories to make things from American and stop shipping them overseas. Make business’s accountable for sending work overseas… Raise taxes on the Rich, Rich, Rich. They have enough to share a few pennies. Control our borders, make work accessible for the citizens that are hear, pay at least a wage that is kept up with inflation. Oh, I am so sorry, I am just rambling on, but I am sure you get the picture. Let me hear from you….

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hair 101:

Ok let me start with our black sista’s hair. Please don’t hate on me, but, we do too much to our hair. First of all we relax it too often, 4-6 weeks is too much... That makes our edges and kitchen bald, please stop that ASAP. Ideal is 8-12 weeks, but we should go longer, 16-24 weeks, but I can relate when the nappy gets too out of control then its time for the relaxer (oh no, not the relaxer, burn baby burn,☺ ha- ha). Don’t worry about a little nap around the edges or scalp, that’s new growth, which is a plus, meaning the hair is growing. We want healthy and long hair, not bald and brittle thin hair. We need to use a good shampoo, with moisture and less drying agents like alcohol. Good options? First try Elastic QP, Cream of Nature or Tresemme ( for dry or damaged hair) and check the labels same as you do for your food. Second, we need to deep condition our hair at least every two weeks if not more, but we need to get a good conditioner with lots of natural ingredients (e.g. rosemary, wheat protein, kiwi fruit extract, etc.) I use TCB Protein Conditioner, which is very good, and not expensive, which you can get at a regular Beauty Supply Store. My daughter uses and introduced/bought me Aveda Products, which are excellent. Regretfully you can’t get them at a regular beauty supply, only at an Aveda Store or salon that carries Aveda products. So Sistas we need to invest a little bit more money in our hair products. Most beauty supply chains, sell cheap products, full of alcohol, chloride, TEA, DEA, all drying agents, which is so, so bad for our hair. Our hair will never grow using them, and that is why the Beauty Supply Chain is so profitable, because they know this. Why do you think they have so much hair to sell? Oh my, too much information, but why not, we need to take a stand and wake up my sista’s……..

Ok my white sister’s, now why do you dye your hair so much (please don’t hate on a girlfriend)? So don’t judge us sista’s. Why do you all want to be blondes? Dying makes your hair so thin. So stop dying your hair and go natural, and don’t judge black sista’s when they are not hip enough to know what’s good for their hair, just as you don’t know. Oh, white sister’s wear weaves just like black sistas’s, so white sister’s, go natural with your own hair color, then you won’t need a weave due to thinning of your hair… (ha-ha) oh my bad, no harm done. Just trying to make a point ..

So lets get to work on our hair. I welcome comments.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bringing Ghetto to the Suburbs:

Believe me, I’m not trying to dis our people, but we can get so-oo ghetto. Why do we bring the ghetto everywhere we go? Why do we bring it to the Suburbs? (we claim it’s an escape from that life). We are a strange people. We often don’t like each other, respect each other, or help each other, even when we move from the ghetto. We turn our nose up at one another. Do we think we are better than one another? Why? Maybe it’s from slavery time, (house slave vs field slave) where we did not know better, but wake up people, we know better now, this is the 21st century. What is holding us back?

We as African Americans invest so much time on fluff. We like listening to so much rap music, watching garbage cable shows (reality TV and degrading one’s at that), obsessing with sports (case in point, how many of us watched the Presidents State of the Union Address January 27TH?). And finally, too much drama… We buy too many movies off the black market, oh and by the way, why do we buy them? How many times will you watch them, or do you have those many guests that you have movie night at you home?(oh my bad). Oh and why do we make those low quality boot leg videos and then stand out in the parking lots selling them? Come on people, that is so ghetto. Why can’t we market something else? Wake up my people, lets get educated or "edumucated".

Let’s stop bringing the ghetto to the suburbs. Please, keep your trash on your own property. If you like trash, keep it, don’t spread it. Stop throwing it out your car windows, I don’t want it. That’s ghetto. I know I don’t want to see it, and I’m sure as heck other conscientious people don’t either. Oh and why are we so loud and have to be seen? Eight o’clock in the morning, standing on the corners, hanging around parking lots and in front of stores. What’s up with that? Come on my black people, wake up and pay attention.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Professional Black Sista’s Searching For Love:

Why is it all the educated black sista’s are not married? Why do they all hang together instead of with a progressive professional black brother? I know a few progressive, educated and beautiful black sista’s that are looking for love. Why do other ethnic women get married off before our educated sista’s? Why do our BLACK MEN, when they get a little wealthy, run and get a White woman (or woman of a different race?) Why is this? Well here are a few myths I heard through the years. I heard that black brothers think sista’s are too opinionated, materialistic or just too hard on a brother. Then I heard that white women are more laid back and easily swayed (oh my bad, I meant easy going). Then the brothers say that the sista’s complain too much and are too bossy. They say the white women are naïve and loose (oh I meant they are fresh and. accommodating – ha-ha….) Please don’t hate on me. These are myths I heard throughout my life experience.

So….. let’s start with our sista’s. Are we too opinionated and materialistic for our black brothers? Should we tone it down (or in other words lower our standards) or maybe look to another race like our beautiful brothers do? Well in my opinion I think that all educated black beautiful sista’s should weigh their options. But sista's remember that despite who you are involved with always love yourself. Do what is good for you and that man. Never give up on love, because it will find you and when it does you will know when and what to do, even if it is not with a black brother.

So my black brothers what is your problem? Why would you not want an educated, black sista? Do the sista’s scare you away with there ambitious career minded status? Or are you brothers too ashamed of your own self, your own failures, that you can’t relate and respect all the trials and tribulations that we all have shared. Look at our history? We both have endured oppression. So my brothers take a look at yourselves in the mirror. What do you see? A sista will stand by her man to the end of time.

Now a days a sista can take care of herself and you too (if she chooses, no joke…) so cherish her and let her know that she is the black queen that you need and can succeed with. So what is your problem, my black brothers? Is it something in the water that is making you lose your mind and the history of our forefathers? We are the only race of people that stray away from our own in such large numbers, no other race does it the way we do. Just for the record, there’s nothing wrong with a good white sista hooking up with a good black brother. Only I hope neither one is running away from their own race to do so. WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP.

Come back my brothers to our sista’s and embrace them. Let your strong union shine in front of all to see. Let the world know that we are a together people. Learn how to love yourself, so you can love your beautiful black sista… Wake up my people. Get the sleep out of your eyes. Come on let me know what you think? Our sista’s are waiting.