Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Politics 101

Politics, oh Politics, why don’t African Americans listen to politics. There is so much going on today in politics.

Let’s start with our new President, Barack Hussein Obama. He ain’t black, he’s biracial. I found out that if you are “one drop rule” black then America (our government, society) groups you in the black category (One drop rule). What’s up with that? Now correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Barack’s mother white? Why is he categorized as black when half of his genes come from a white mother? Why doesn’t White America embrace that? Don’t get me wrong I know his dad was African, and I say hey for our semi-black brother (The President of the United States of America). Yes we have come a long way, but wait… There is a conservative (Republican) talk show host that is really against the President and what he stands for, because he has a tint of blackness in his blood. How hateful is that. Now this man may think he is pure white and that he is not tainted with anything to do with black, but I hope he checks his family tree and ancestry roots, because if his tree had anything to do with slavery and the shenanigans that took place in those back rooms with us, then hum…). Come on my black people let’s wake up and smell the stink! But once again, we need to listen more to politics and how they affect us as a race and come together in love to create a unified connection.

Oh I strayed off a little, anyway back to Politics 101… let me give you a recap of our constitution. The Congress, Senate and the House of Representatives hold a lot of the cards when it comes to policies and laws in the United States of America (and don’t forget the Supreme Court, which is so powerful- remember that Bush/Gore controversy back in 2000.) Hum…now that was rigged, but I won’t go there… Now the President is the Commander in Chief --- he can send our troops to war, nominate judges to the Supreme Court, veto bills and push for policies and sign them into law, (however, he rarely ever actually make laws himself, that’s where Congress and the Courts come in.) The two major parties are the Republican’s and Democrat’s. We also have a Constitution Party (1992), Libertarian Party (1971) and Green Party (1996), but they are not successful, or just not enough people know or are interested in learning about them--remember that Ralph Nader guy from the Green Party, he had a good platform, but the party wasn’t strong enough (Whitehouse gov and List of political parties in the US).

The major parties are structured as follows: Republicans/Conservatives and Democrats/Liberal. At the most basic level the Republicans are for the upper middle class/rich and the Democrats are for the poor/lower middle class. Now the die hard conservatives of the Republican Party are strictly for the rich only (those that want you to pull yourself up by your boot straps even if you don’t have any boots), and the liberal Democrats are strictly for the lower middle class and the poor. Now the two parties can vote for laws and legislation and if they have a majority in the House and Senate (currently the Democrats have the majority and that is why the Republicans are very upset, ha-ha) they can rule on the current proposed law or legislation. That is why it is very important to vote on the local level as well as Presidential level, because who is elected in locally speaks for us in Congress and can help our State with different laws for the poor and struggling middle class.

What I am trying to say is that as black people we need to wake up, get our heads out of the sand and stand up for our rights (just as all the other ethnic groups do). We need to change our way of thinking. We need to watch more political stations instead of nonsensical reality television shows. We need to search the Internet for political news (MSNBC) instead of trash about the ‘Jones’. Don’t get me wrong, a little dose of nonsense is ok in moderation, but not day in and day out. Hopefully, this will get your minds going, because if not, then what a waste we are and what a shame. I still have love for us, but do we have love for us?

Let’s have some dialogue….


  1. I believe blacksista you have alot to say--I really enjoyed your topic and a very important topic it is--alot of us don't even know the basic rules of legislation even though we are taught in school..We as a people need to wake up and understand if you don't learn to vote and listen to what is being said you will not have anything no program or help at all --because the government is looking to take it away if you don't educate yourself--I stand with you that was very helpful---Thank you

  2. I definitely agree with you 100% about the lack of concern in our community concerning politics and the way our country is governed. However, there is another side to this story. A very real and sinister side. We (African-Americans), biracial or otherwise, were not the individuals the constitution was referring to in the "all men are created equal" line, and we never will be. The very nature of the majority of the white race makes inclusion or the sharing of wealth, power or prosperity in a sincere form almost impossible. We were brought here to be servants and by the favor and grace of God and the shear strength, determination and fortitude of our ancestors have we been able to climb out of the sheds once called our homes. Do you think the main stream conservative Anglo-Saxon is happy about this? It goes totally against their plan for world domination set in motion the very day they left the caves of Europe. If you make it past sixth grade you were taught about what they did to the Native Americans, Central Americans, ourselves and any other culture they encountered. If you read for yourself past that point in your education, you'll find they did much worse previously and after. What we have to do is stop allowing them to divide us. They use skin tone, income, hair texture, where you live and even the size of your nose to divide and cause us to despise each other. The worse about all this is that we then pick up the torch and run with it. Doing it to each other without cause or provocation all over the world. Don't believe me? Remember Rwanda? We have to take responsibilty for our own actions and be the intelligent, originally created god-man we were intended to be. Wake up! Truthfully the one-drop rule was just another tool in this weak, genetically inferior being's arsenal to ensure that their race actually survived the next three hundred years. They realized that if things continued as they were, soon there would be no white race to speak of. Everyone would be mixed, the only difference is our skin tone and attributes are genetically dominant to theirs. So a mixed child comes out looking like Barack, a man of color. Very minor traces of European decent are going to be evident in most mixed children. This is the real true fear of the white man, the eradication of a pure white race in America. They came here to steal, kill and rule, and even used the name of God to do it. Ask the Native Americans who walked the "Trail of Tears", well ask the ones who survived it. As long as they have anything to say about it, that's how it's going to stay. Marcus Garvey was right, we should have gotten back on the boat a long time ago. Even as President, a man of color can't get any real respect in America. Being of color in America is similar to being marked. Tiger tried to wipe it off but I think the last four months have shown him you can't. -KIng Magi

  3. King Magi,

    Wow... Your comments were insightful and mostly uplifting. However, my belief in our God and one of the main things he asked us to remember in his grace saving advice for mankind,is that ALL MEN were created equal in his eyes. And that is what THE MAN fails to understand to this day. We should never forget it either.

  4. Thank you my Anonymous Black Sista. Let's continue to spread the word.

  5. In the beginning it was not necessary for man to differentiate between equals and non-equals. It went without saying, especially not by the standards that are used today. Mostly because all of the people mentioned in the earliest annals of human history were of color. Which includes all the notable people of the Bible besides the Romans, who did not arrive on the scene until much later. Many ancient scrolls and documents were destroyed by the Greeks and Romans as they plundered through north africa, the middle east and even India. They deemed cultures thousands of years older than theirs as irrelevant, unless there was something they could put to use like aquaducts, running water or other engineering feats they still take credit for. When they came they did exactly what I mentioned earlier. They conquered, pillaged and enslaved. You see I believe God loves everyone too. However, he hates sin, all sin, and what this particular part of our human race has and continues perpetrate on the rest of the world is sin in every form. By no means am I saying that they have cornered the market, but they are certainly the largest global shareholder in sin stock. They are God's children too, but so was Cain. Lucifer was created by God as well, one of the most beautiful and powerful angels in heaven, but his origin obviously did not keep him from falling. I have never forgotten that they are part of our family. This may sound cliche, but some of my best friends are white and I discuss this with them all the time. They readily admit that there are inconsistencies between their beliefs and their behavior toward cultures. You cannot say you believe in God and then use his name to rape, enslave and murder for power and money. That goes for anyone, it just so happens they are the most prolific and have been for the last 2000 years. They also agree that with the intelligence , fortitude and ingenuity our race possesses, that had we gone back to our homeland 100 years ago, America and Africa would probably be two totally different places. Under the direction of the notable black scholars of that generation, we would probably be running the world at this point with a united African nation unparalleled on the face of the planet. Holding all coveted and necessary resources as our own and making sure we got what they were worth. The wealth of such a nation would be staggering after 100 years of refinement and unity. Africa and the middle east between them hold more natural wealth than the rest of the world twice over. With a renewed brotherhood between the Arabs and Africans, the east would be so powerful that America and Europe would no longer be superpowers. The first would be the last and the last would be the first. But again we allowed their notion of culture, loyalty, religion and success to divide us, and we never made it. So we are still here, thank God, but still trying to live up to their misguided standards. Things will change as Black and White mix and the delineation between the two races becomes less important, but never forget, this is something they are not consenting to. Aside from a few mistakes from visits to the slave quarters or cosigning the prettiest slave girls to house duty they never intended us to mix. They have and always will want to be in total control here in America, with no challengers. Barack Obama represents all their worst fears realized in one man. A man of biracial descent, obviously of color and currently commander-in-chief. I doubt very seriously if they let this happen again. That my sista, is the truth.-King Magi

  6. KM

    I am not denying that your information does not hold truth. But from the beginning with my topic politics 101, I am just saying without getting into the whole history of things, that we as black americans need to wake up to all the things you mentioned. However we still need to keep in mind our race has its own problems, and what happenend thousands of years ago should not excuse us today.

    We as Africian Aamericans need to wake up and stop making excuses and realized that we can make a difference by being informed and paying attention to what is happening in American and around the World. Our race of people is the only race that has such a problem with each other and that happened before we sold out. We were apart of different tribes in Africa. We enslaved ourselves. We sold ourselves to the white man by being bribed, which we should have had faith from the beginning. So we created this ourselves. We sinned from the beginning. We should have been strong in our faith, so keep in mind we are just as at fault as the white man.

    The old testament said that God did not want our race to mix, we disobyed from the beginnning. But God sent his son Jesus Christ to save us from sin. We all sin, but we can ask for forgiveness and trust that God will see us through. God will fix this in due time, but until then we have to take responsibility.

    Don't get me wrong I voted for President Obama, was on the band wagon from the beginning, when others had doubt. But our brother of color is governing from the center, not the left (democrates) or right (republicians.) And he clearly says that he is for all people not just one race of people, this was stated at the Black Caucus meeting.

    So with our history we need to learn from it, because we can't go back we can only move forward, with knowledge and understanding, that is why I embraked on this journey. We also need to understand that God will orchestra our final destiny.

    So Thank you for your comments and and please continue because I have many more topics to discuss...........:}

    Also let more people know so they can get in on the discussion.

  7. Are you saying that you believe intermixing of races is a sin?

    As the father of two biracial children I would argue that not only is it not a sin it is a moral imperative (not at the leve of any specific individual but the population as a whole). That is the only way we're going to get beyond this whole race business.

  8. Carlos M. Washburn,

    No I do not think that intermixing of races is a sin, but what was a sin was intermixing races of believers VS non-believers. However, Jesus Christ died for everyone so we could all have everlasting life, and live together in harmony. Thank you for your comments.
