Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hair 101:

Ok let me start with our black sista’s hair. Please don’t hate on me, but, we do too much to our hair. First of all we relax it too often, 4-6 weeks is too much... That makes our edges and kitchen bald, please stop that ASAP. Ideal is 8-12 weeks, but we should go longer, 16-24 weeks, but I can relate when the nappy gets too out of control then its time for the relaxer (oh no, not the relaxer, burn baby burn,☺ ha- ha). Don’t worry about a little nap around the edges or scalp, that’s new growth, which is a plus, meaning the hair is growing. We want healthy and long hair, not bald and brittle thin hair. We need to use a good shampoo, with moisture and less drying agents like alcohol. Good options? First try Elastic QP, Cream of Nature or Tresemme ( for dry or damaged hair) and check the labels same as you do for your food. Second, we need to deep condition our hair at least every two weeks if not more, but we need to get a good conditioner with lots of natural ingredients (e.g. rosemary, wheat protein, kiwi fruit extract, etc.) I use TCB Protein Conditioner, which is very good, and not expensive, which you can get at a regular Beauty Supply Store. My daughter uses and introduced/bought me Aveda Products, which are excellent. Regretfully you can’t get them at a regular beauty supply, only at an Aveda Store or salon that carries Aveda products. So Sistas we need to invest a little bit more money in our hair products. Most beauty supply chains, sell cheap products, full of alcohol, chloride, TEA, DEA, all drying agents, which is so, so bad for our hair. Our hair will never grow using them, and that is why the Beauty Supply Chain is so profitable, because they know this. Why do you think they have so much hair to sell? Oh my, too much information, but why not, we need to take a stand and wake up my sista’s……..

Ok my white sister’s, now why do you dye your hair so much (please don’t hate on a girlfriend)? So don’t judge us sista’s. Why do you all want to be blondes? Dying makes your hair so thin. So stop dying your hair and go natural, and don’t judge black sista’s when they are not hip enough to know what’s good for their hair, just as you don’t know. Oh, white sister’s wear weaves just like black sistas’s, so white sister’s, go natural with your own hair color, then you won’t need a weave due to thinning of your hair… (ha-ha) oh my bad, no harm done. Just trying to make a point ..

So lets get to work on our hair. I welcome comments.


  1. Iron, as important as it is for growing strong hair, has a difficult time squeezing its way into our bodies. In fact, we usually absorb less than 25 percent of the iron we eat—many of us far less. So how do we improve that number? By pairing iron with its symbiotic partner, vitamin C. Research shows that high doses of vitamin C can greatly improve your body’s ability to absorb iron, which in turn can keep your hair firmly rooted in your scalp. And for each kiwifruit you eat, you’re taking in nearly your entire day’s worth of vitamin C. Eat it with iron-rich foods to improve your chances of lustrous locks.

    More info at:

  2. Hello ZESPRI kiwifruit,

    Thank you for your comment, and the information you provided. Proper diet & vitamins, are always important. However the correct products and how your hair is treated is important as well, that is why the averagesista is trying to provide that information. Please continue to submit your comments/ideas and also tell other about ckc-averagesista.
